Key Learning Moments

An inspirational, thought provoking, knowledge and awareness building unit on Liminal Spaces It has been totally engaging. So many key learning moments but here are a few:

  • Realising, in the first week, a learning space involves so much more than  classroom displays.
  • The liminal space is something we have all probably experienced at some time in our lives and understanding that has helped me to analyse and conceptualise previous events in my own life and those of students.
  • Being inspired by the refugee’s plight and realising as teachers we have a part to play in their future. Especially assisting them from their liminal space by creating a bridge to mainstream education, integration and future success.
  • Identifying and respecting different ways of learning through communities of practice and collaborative and cooperative groups. How identifying and being engaged in these models can enhance the transformation of learning.
  • Interacting with increased ease when using Web 2 technology.

Response to Blogging

Blog, derived from the words ‘web-log’ meaning online journal/diary entries. A ‘blogger’ writes content for a blog which typically focuses on a particular subject matter. I think it will be a challenge to ignite interest in my readers and create a blog worth reading. Then I have read we should write a blog which interests us foremost and reflects our own thinking. I am left wondering which blogging function is the most effective and allows readers to interact with my blogging site.

What is a PLN?

Prior to reading the prescribed text I had not heard of the acronym PLN, however now I am aware of the present phenomena that is: Personal Learning Networks and can identify the on-line presence we all have the capacity to build.

I am challenged to build my own PLN and create a learning space which reflects my own learning and is of interest to others in the field.

I am left wondering how much time to dedicate to ‘Twitter’, Blogs, Social bookmarking, etc (All examples of PLNs) and how effective that will be. What to choose? What to read/follow? Can’t help remembering and reflecting on my own diary entries (hand written and not shared with the world), in my youth. What is the true significance of this? Of course I am aware of the up-to-date live news this offers. I  am thinking this is a marathon to keep up with the social media at our fingertips today. How much is essential, significant?